
Influence of the ratio between upper and lower lip vermilion on the facial esthetics of white men .

Ana Carla de Souza Nascimento. Marcos Alan Vieira Bittencourt. André Wilson Machado

Objective / The purpose of this study was to determine the per ception of facial esthetics on male subjects among orthodontists, dermatologists and laypersons with respect to different ratios of the upper and lower lip vermillion. / Methods / Faces of three white men aged between 20 and 30 years wer e photographed and the photos manipulated to create ive different ratios between the upper and lower lip vermilions, namely: 1:1, 1:1.5, 1.5:1, 1:2 and 2:1. The rendered images were assessed by orthodon tists, dermatologists and laypersons, who rated the attractiveness of each face by means of a visual analog scale. / Results / Concordance between evaluators consider ed more attractive the 1:1 ratio of the vermilion of the upper and lower lips, with no statistically signiicant difference (p > 0.05) between the three men. / Conclusions / The ratio of the vermilion of the upper and lower lips exerted a str ong inluence on male facial aesthetics, with the 1:1 ratio being considered the most aesthetic.

Keywords: Lip. Face. Esthetics. Orthodontics

How to cite: Nascimento ACS, Bittencourt MAV, Machado AW. A proporção entre o vermelhão dos lábios superior e inferior inluencia na estética facial de homens. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2014 ago-set;13(4):20-7

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 11:03