
The role of Orthodontics in the diagnosis and treatment of gingival smile.

Mayra Reis Seixas. Roberto Amarante Costa-Pinto

Excessive gingival exposureis one of the problems that negatively affect smileesthetics. It can vary in severity and may be related tomaxillary vertical excess, upper dentoalveolar protrusion,extrusion and/or altered passive eruption of upper anteriorteeth, and hyperactivity of the elevating muscles ofthe upper lip. In the majority of cases some or all theseetiological factors can be present. The orthodontist mostprobably is the recommended professional to diagnoseand plan treatment for these patients, due to havingthe skills to evaluate and interfere in each of the etiologicalfactors of the problem and, in a multidisciplinaryapproach, refer the patient to other dental or medicalspecialties.

Keywords: Orthodontics. Gingival smile. Interdisciplinary treatment.

How to cite: Seixas MR, Costa-Pinto RA. O papel da Ortodontia no diagnóstico e tratamento do sorriso gengival. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2014 ago-set;13(4):54-66

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 09:38