José Eduardo Prado de Souza. Guilherme Janson. Pedro Andrade Jr.. Fabrício Costa da Silva. Valter Macedo Junior.
Objectives / Treatment aimed at correcting patient’s posterior bilateral crossbite, anterior crossbite, maxillary and mandibular crowding, mandibular midline deviation and lower lip protrusion. It also aimed at assessing stability of results in a long-term follow-up. / Methods / Treatment consisted of asymmetric extraction and the use of asymmetric elastics with Dentaurum Biofuncional System ixed appliance. Final orthodontic records were obtained after the end of treatment. New orthodontic records were obtained after 10 years and the results compared. / Results / Initial treatment yielded improvements in facial proile, good dental alignment, Class I canine relationship, Class I left molar relationship, Class III right molar relationship, normal overbite and overjet and little deviation between dental midlines. After 10 years, the results are stable despite mild mandibular incisors crowding. / Conclusion / Recognizing the true dentoalveolar and skeletal characteristics of Class III malocclusion is essential to perform a more favorable treatment approach, thus, simplifying orthodontic mechanics. Asymmetric malocclusion will be better handled with an asymmetric extraction protocol.
Keywords: Angle Class III malocclusion. Tooth extraction. Orthodontics.
How to cite: Souza JEP, Janson G, Andrade Jr P, Silva FC, Macedo Junior V. Tratamento ortodôntico alternativo para uma má oclusão de Classe III, subdivisão. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2014 out-nov;13(5):54-62.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 10:50