
Orthodontic diagnosis without periapical radiograph of all teeth: Be careful, you might be  surprised

Giordani Santos Silveira. Paulo Eduardo Alencar de Souza. Matheus Melo Pithon. José Nelson Mucha.

Objective / The purpose of this paper was to report a case in which analysis of anatomical details by means of panoramic radiograph prior to orthodontic treatment onset did not reveal the presence of supernumerary tooth in the apical region of the left irst molar. / Results / There was no need to remove the extra tooth for completion of orthodontic treatment; however, it certainly could, in another clinical case, hinder treatment success. / Conclusion / Panoramic radiograph does not replace periapical examination in orthodontic planning because they are complementary. Periapical radiograph of anterior teeth, only, might be insuficient to diagnose and prevent the risks of orthodontic treatment.

Keywords: Orthodontics. Diagnosis. Radiograph.

How to cite: Silveira GS, Souza PEA, Pithon MM, Mucha JN. Diagnóstico ortodôntico sem as radiograias periapicais de todos os dentes: cuidado, você pode se surpreender. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2014 out-nov;13(5):73-8.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 11:10