
Analysis of maximum bite force according to chewing side preference.

Silvana Bommarito. Patricia Barbarini Takaki. Marilena Manno Vieira

Introduction / Chewing side preference (CSP) is deined as the side most used by an individual during mastication. It may be related to many factors, including maximum bite force (MBF) which is the maximum force one performs during food fragmentation and is determined by many factors. / Objective / The objective is to analyze the MBF in different age groups, as determined by Mayoral and Mayoral (1971) and according to CSP. / Methods / The sample comprised 80 individuals from the city of São Paulo — Brazil, equally divided according to age and sex. Each one of them was submitted to myofunctional evaluation consisted of a clinical examination associated with anamnesis about CSP, anthropometric measurements to obtain mass body index (MBI), as well as dental condition and maximum bite force evaluation carried out by means of a digital dynamometer DDK/M (Kratos, São Paulo, Brazil) on N scale. Both dental and bite force evaluations were monitored by a specialist. Data were submitted to statistical analysis. / Results / MBF was greater on the right side in individuals reporting CSP on the right side. CSP tended to the left when MBF was greater on the same side. / Conclusion / CSP to the right determines MBF which, in turn, is not determined by age, sex and MBI.

Keywords: Bite force. Mastication. Anthropometry. Stomatognathic system.

How to cite: Bommarito S, Takaki PB, Vieira MM. Análise da força máxima da mordida segundo a preferência mastigatória. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2014 out-nov;13(5):91-7.

Thursday, September 26, 2024 18:39