Gilberto Vilanova Queiroz, José Rino Neto, João Batista de Paiva, Rafael Yague Ballester
The text describes the types of friction produced during sliding mechanics in Orthodontics as well as the results of in vitro studies which mainly focus on four aspects: (I) differences in friction between conventional and self-ligating brackets; (II) differences in activation and deactivation forces, as well as hysteresis among self-ligating brackets; (III) new model for measuring friction produced by wire delection; (IV) differences between in vitro studies and clinical trials.
Keywords: Orthodontics. Friction. Self-ligating brackets
How to cite: Queiroz GV, Rino Neto J, Paiva JB, Ballester RY. Inluência da força de atrito na mecânica de deslizamento. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2014 dez-2015 jan;13(6):28-38.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 10:54