Jurandir Antonio Barbosa, Carolina S. Barbosa Caran
We all know that a harmonic smile is the objective of those who need occlusal r econstruction and this is achieved when the incisal edges of the upper teeth follow the curvature of the lower lip at smiling. This is called Smile Arc or Curve of Smile. For this to be achieved, bracket bonding must undergo some changes in positioning, since for many years bonding was performed according to Prof. Andrews’ recommendations, i.e., bonding of brackets in the middle of the clinical crown, often resulting in a straight smile, but not a smile arc. This article presents a modiied progressive bonding technique, going from the last tooth, anatomically following the contact points up to the cuspids. From them, increases of 0.5 mm are applied to centrals and 0.25 mm to laterals, thereby creating the smile curve.
Keywords: Bracket. Smiling. Bonding. Smile arc.
How to cite: Barbosa JA, Caran CSB. Smile arc no sistema autoligável. Colagem progressiva de braquetes. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2014 dez-2015 jan;13(6):62-80
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 11:04