Liliana Ávila Maltagliati
Objective / The aim of the present study was to discuss topics concerning tooth extraction indicated to correct crowding in orthodontic treatment performed with self-ligating brackets. / Methods / A literature review about extraction in Orthodontics, its indication and tr eatment effects, was carried out. Additionally, some clinical cases were reported so as to discuss which factors most inluenced the choice for extraction. / Results / Even patients presenting characteristics that indicate need for extraction tr eatment can be satisfactory treated without previous gain of space when one of these factors is presented in isolation. / Conclusion / The main factor that determines tooth extraction to treat crowding, even with self-ligating brackets, is teeth protrusion in the initial phase.
Keywords: Orthodontics.Self-ligating brackets. Tooth extraction
How to cite: Maltagliati LA. Tratamento ortodôntico com o sistema autoligável: quando a extração é necessária. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2015 fev-mar;14(1):8-22.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 09:59