Luciano Scudeler, Lucelma Vilela Pieri, Rafael Pinelli Henriques, José Fernando Castanha Henriques, Analu Geanpietro-Brandão, Mario Vedovello Filho, Donald Hugh Enlow
Vertical malocclusion develops as a result of the interaction of many different etiological factors. The purpose of this article is to guide the orthodontist on the basic knowledge of the overbite, the correct diagnosis and existing mechanics to yield satisfactory results and long-term stability. Based on the literature we conclude that the facial pattern, aesthetics presented by the upper incisor exposure, the relationship of the lower incisors with the occlusal plane, the health of the periodontal support and stability of treatment, are basic to define the mechanic modality the management of deep overbite is by intrusion of anteriors, extrusion of posteriors or combination of the both to correct this malocclusion.
Keywords: Overbite. Therapeutics. Diagnosis.
How to cite: Scudeler L, Pieri LV, Henriques RP, Henriques JFC, Geanpietro-Brandão A, Vedovello Filho M, Enlow DH. Diagnóstico e plano de tratamento diferenciado da mordida profunda. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2015 abr-maio;14(2):85-91.
Saturday, December 28, 2024 15:38