
Considerations about deep overbite etiology, diagnosis and treatment.

Acácio Fuziy, Ronald de Freitas Paixão, Sérgio Milton de Oliveira Penido, Alexandre Henrique de Melo Simplício

Overbite is the most common component in adult and children malocclusion and its correction represents one of the first and most difficult stages of treatment. It is of paramount importance that the professional know the nature of deep overbite, and while developing a treatment planning, observe aspects related to its etiology, diagnosis and biomechanical considerations. Depending on the objectives, deep overbite can be corrected by means of mechanics for intrusion of anterior teeth, extrusion of posterior teeth or the combination of both. In extrusion mechanics, the use of resin anterior bite plate, functional orthopedic appliances, or even fixed appliances associated with arches with reverse curve of Spee in the lower arch and accentuated curve of Spee in the upper arch should be highlighted. Concerning intrusion mechanics, base arch and three-piece base arch appliances are indicated to provide control of incisors tipping during intrusion. This paper aimed to discuss the aspects concerning etiology, diagnosis and alternative approaches in deep overbite treatment.

Keywords: Overbite. Corrective Orthodontics. Stability.

How to cite: Fuziy A, Paixão RF, Penido SMO, Simplício AHM. Considerações sobre a etiologia, o diagnóstico e tratamento da sobremordida profunda. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2015 jun-jul;14(3):6-36.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 10:00