
Use of biomechanics in the treatment of maxillary canines transposition

Marcio Rodrigues de Almeida

Among all malocclusions, tooth transposition is considered an uncommon developmental anomaly referred to as a type of ectopic eruption in which two permanent teeth exchange positions in the arch. Tooth transposition can affect both males and females, but it is more commonly found among females. Tooth transposition is more often found in the maxilla than in the mandible. Treatment choice depends almost exclusively on how the case is presented, and the orthodontist has the option of aligning the teeth in the position of transposition, performing extraction of one or both teeth, or performing tooth alignment so as to place teeth in correct position in dental arch. Despite the risks involved in treatment, transposition correction can be successfully achieved, as long as the physiological limits of periodontal structures and also of radicular resorption are always taken into consideration, so the previously planned treatment is successfully reversed into a better aesthetic and functional gain to the patient. Due to the lack of tooth transposition cases reported in the literature, the aim of this paper was to present two clinical cases of tooth transposition of maxillary canine and premolar, both of which were aligned and leveled back to their correct positions. Furthermore, the biomechanical approach was employed in such a way to achieve better prediction of treatment outcomes of this complex malocclusion.

Keywords: Tooth transposition. Ectopic eruption. Biomechanics.

How to cite: Almeida MR. Aplicação da Biomecânica no tratamento da transposição de caninos superiores. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2015 jun-jul;14(3):77-95.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 09:51