
Compensatory orthodontic treatment of Class II malocclusions with corrective intent: a case report

Isabella Simões Holz, Fabio Pinto Guedes, Tatiane Silva de Oliveira, Leopoldino Capelozza Filho, Mauricio de Almeida Cardoso

Compensatory orthodontic treatment of Class II malocclusion, mandibular deficiency, can be associated with the use of fixed mandibular protractor devices which aim at correcting occlusal relationships, without, however, causing significant changes in facial pattern. This treatment modality — treatment with corrective intent — has a favorable prognosis in patients with a minimally acceptable face. This article aims at describing the use of a fixed mandibular protractor device (FLF), through a clinical case, highlighting the advantages of this therapeutic approach in the treatment of Class II malocclusions, mandibular deficiency.

Keywords: Orthodontics. Malocclusion, Angle Class II. Diagnosis.

How to cite: Holz IS, Guedes FP, Oliveira TS, Capelozza Filho L, Cardoso MA. Tratamento ortodôntico compensatório das más oclusões do Padrão II com intenção corretiva: relato de caso. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2015 out-nov;14(5):31-43.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 08:57