
Clinical applicability and importance of a increased bite on the mechanics of the Self ligating brackets.

Henrique Mascarenhas Villela, Wanderson Itaborahy, Marco Leonardo Macedo Pádua e Rachel Itaborahy

Introduction: the increased bite is an important resource used in the Sefl ligating system which allows to fix the orthodontic appliance in both arches at the same time, providing a faster movement of the teeth, besides stimulating the expansion of the arcades because releases the arches of occlusal contacts. The increase of biting can be posterior or anterior and are also called “buil up” or “bite turbo”, respectively. Their statements are made according to the type of malocclusion and facial pattern, with different results. Objective: To report two cases with two types of different approaches in correcting malocclusions of brachyfacial patients with deep bite and lower face diminished: case 1, use anterior raise bite and extrusion vertical elastic of posterior teeth and case clinical 2, use posterior raise bite and Class II elastics. Both cases were treated with interactive self ligating brackets, which decreased the amount of appointments, maintaining the efficiency of correction. Conclusion: the choice of the uprising bite depends on the diagnosis and needs of tooth movements, especially the relationship of the upper incisors with his lips. The self ligating brackets associated with a increased bite and intermaxillary elastics were efficient in correcting malocclusions of brachyfacial patients with deep bite and lower face diminished.

Keywords: Aparelhos Autoligados. Levante de mordida. Build up. Bite turbo.

How to cite: Villela HM, Itaborahy W, Pádua MLM, Itaborahy R. A aplicabilidade clínica e a importância dos levantes de mordida na mecânica dos Aparelhos Autoligados. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2015 Dez - 2016 Jan;14(6):35-59.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 11:15