Carlos Alexandre Câmara
A perfectionistic and well-informed orthodontist. His ongoing quest for perfection has made him become one of the greatest names in Brazilian Orthodontics and a reference in skeletal anchorage (mini-implants). Dr. Carlo Marassi has long been a mini-implant researcher. He has written several articles and given numerous courses on the subject in Brazil and abroad. However, those who have met him are surprised by his humbleness, friendliness and kindness, all of which have probably been inherited from the Marassi family and his “angles”: Dra. Zelna, his mother and an orthodontist, and Dra. Patrícia, his wife and a pediatric dentist. In this interview, Dr. Marassi (Dental Press Clinical Journal of Orthodontics emeritus editor) tells us a little bit about his clinical preferences and choices. Come on, Carlo! Tell us about your experience within the fascinating world of Orthodontics.
How to cite: Marassi C. Uma entrevista com Carlo Marassi. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2016 Fev-Mar;15(1):8-12.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 11:08