Flávia Cristina Rosas de Carvalho e Fernanda Raffaelly de Oliveira Pedreira
Introduction: In the management of patients, the dentist may face a number of pathological processes. Orthodontics has the highest chances of discovering or intercepting oral lesions due to the need for repeated appointments, which is inherent to this specialty. Some injuries are more common than others and can interfere directly or indirectly in orthodontic treatment. Objective: The aim of this study is to describe the most common bone changes that will influence orthodontic treatment plan, and seek for a consensus among authors as of when and how orthodontic treatment should act after the diagnosis of bone changes. Results and Conclusions: In bone tissues with altered physiolog y, well distributed and light forces should prevail in orthodontic tooth movement; pathological processes are often found during orthodontic record taking or even during orthodontic treatment; there is a lack of studies and reports on bone disorders which may interfere in orthodontic treatment; and no consensus has been reached in the literature on when orthodontic treatment should act after surgical removal of bone pathologies; additionally, there is a lack of scientific criteria to determine whether bisphosphonates alone negatively interfere in orthodontic mechanics.
Keywords: Orthodontics. Bone cysts. Bisphosphonates. Odontoma. Osteosclerosis.
How to cite: Carvalho FCR, Pedreira FRO. A interferência das lesões ósseas dos maxilares na Ortodontia. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2016 Fev-Mar;15(1):81-90.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 11:03