Silvia Augusta Braga Reis, Elisa Teixeira Marinho, Antônio Albuquerque Brito e Renata O. Mendes Scheffer
Case Report: A long face patient, with Class II, division 1 malocclusion, looked for orthodontic retreatment to solve facial dissatisfaction. Four first premolars were extracted in previous treatment. Patient had transversal deficiency in upper and lower arches, bone loss and severe radicular resorption. Orthodontic treatment was associated to orthognatic surgery and periodontal management. Radicular resorption and alveolar bone loss maintained stable during the treatment, probably due to periodontal control, light orthodontic forces and increased time for wires changes. Esthetic and function were highly improved. Conclusion: Surgical-orthodontic treatment in patients with alveolar bone deficiency and radicular resorption can be successfully done to solve esthetic and functional demands, with great benefits to patients’ quality of life.
Keywords: Orthodontics, corrective. Orthognathic surgery. Quality of life.
How to cite: Reis SAB, Marinho ET, Brito AA, Scheffer ROM. Tratamento ortodôntico-cirúrgico do Padrão Face Longa e suas complexidades. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2016 Jun-Jul;15(3):23-31. DOI: DOI:
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 11:12