Gisely Piassi de São-José, Marcela de Paula Macedo, Lívia Helena Maciel Pires Martins, Francisco Ferreira Nogueira, Cláudia Valéria de Sousa Resende Penido, Sérgio Milton Martins de Oliveira Penido,
Introduction: The demand for adult orthodontic patients in dental office in search of esthetics and function is increasing. The present article reports the case of an adult patient in need of extraction of the right maxillary lateral incisor due to trauma history. Case report: The technique of forced orthodontic eruption was used in order to obtain gain in bone and gingiva in the cervical region of element #12. Subsequently the implant and prosthetic rehabilitation were performed. Conclusion: The treatment with forced orthodontic extrusion was a good alternative resulting in both bone and gingiva gain, required for implant placement. Additional surgical procedures were avoided, and alveolar bone and gingival margin suffered remodeling, becoming harmonious with the adjacent teeth.
Keywords: Traction. Tooth movement. Orthodontic extrusion. Dental implants. Esthetics, Dental.
How to cite: São-José GP, Macedo MP, Martins LHMP, Nogueira FF, Penido CVSR, Penido SMMO. Extrusão ortodôntica forçada como recurso para obtenção de osso e gengiva para posterior implante: relato de caso. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2016 Out-Nov;15(5):52-63. DOI:
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 11:05