Luciana Duarte Caldas, Izabelle Alice Pinheiro Barros Lisboa, Telma Martins de Araujo.
The aim of this article is to divulge the clinical application of the Thurow extraoral appliance, demonstrating its orthopedic effects for the correction of maxillary protrusion in two clinical cases. The patients were in the inter-transitional period of mixed dentition and in the pre-pubertal growth stage. They were diagnosed with Class II skeletal and dental malocclusion, exaggerated overbite, accentuated horizontal overjet and maxillary atresia. The therapeutic procedures performed and the dental and skeletal alterations obtained will be described.
Keywords: Malocclusion, Angle Class II. Overbite. Extraoral traction appliances.
How to cite: Caldas LD, Lisboa IAPB, Araujo TM. Aplicação clínica de aparelhos de Thurow modificados na correção da protrusão maxilar. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2017 Fev-Mar;16(1):74-89. DOI:
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 09:53