
Can a base arch intrude incisors? Part 1

Renato Parsekian Martins

This paper aims to demonstrate the dangers of estimating the force system of a base arch by intuition. The examples described by the pictures show a base arch build by a software (Loop Software) that can estimate orthodontic load systems bidimensionally. In these examples, an activation bend is placed at the anterior portion of the base arch and moved gradually towards its posterior region in order to describe forces and moments produced at its extremities. It was concluded that it is possible to produce intrusive force at the incisors’ brackets only if the activation bend is placed at the posterior region of the base arch, not anteriorly as suggested by intuition.

How to cite: Martins RP. Um arco base consegue intruir incisivos? Parte 1. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2017 Jun-Jul;16(3):38-44. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14436/1676-6849.16.3.038-044.bio

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 08:41