
Deep bite correction using esthetic aligners (Clear-Aligner): Case report

Luciana Abbud Rodrigues, Adriano Gonçalves Barbosa de Castro, Adriano Dobranszki, Paulo Nagata

There are several ways to correct overbite malocclusion with conventional appliances. However, nowadays, there is an increasing demand for aesthetic treatments using aligners. The present paper presents a case report using Clear-Aligner ® (Scheu-Dental) aesthetic aligner associated with the use of intramaxilary elastics, to correct deep bite with intrusion of upper incisors. In this treatment, it was used a sequence of aligners (five aligners). The treatment was concluded in eight months, and upper incisors were intruded and retracted. It can be concluded that the use of aesthetic aligners associated with intramaxilary elastics is effective for the intrusion of incisors and correction of overbite, being a new option in cases in which patients require aesthetic treatment.

Keywords: Overbite. Orthodontic appliances, removable. Tooth movement.

How to cite: Rodrigues LA, Castro AGB, Dobranszki A, Nagata P. Correção da mordida profunda utilizando alinhadores estéticos (Clear-Aligner): relato de caso. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2017 Jun-Jul;16(3):70-7. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14436/1676-6849.16.3.070-077.art

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 09:49