Maurício Tatsuei Sakima, Cristiane Graciano Ponce Sakima, Luciana Porto Ferreira Cotta, Caio Sergio Botta Martins de Oliveira, Beatriz Maria Valério Lopes
This article shows the inter-disciplinary orthodontic treatment of a complex clinical case with severe periodontal problems and many teeth losses. The treatment planning consisted of previous visualization of teeth movement using digital occlusogram and VTO. Intrusion of many teeth anchored on splints and on osseointegrated implants and asymmetrical teeth movements using low and continuous forces are shown. Using Segmented Arch Technique and correctly applying biomechanical principles allow the orthodontist to obtain optimal clinical results with control and predictability, minimizing the occurrence of side effects. Keywords:
Keywords: Orthodontics. Periodontology. Biomechanics. Intrusion.
How to cite: Sakima MT, Sakima CGP, Cotta LPF, Oliveira CSBM, Lopes BMV. Aplicação da biomecânica no tratamento de casos complexos: caso clínico de paciente adulto com comprometimento periodontal. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2017 Ago-Set;16(4):90-106.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 09:58