Renato Parsekian Martins
This article aims to evaluate the generic rule in bonding that says brackets should be positioned in the middle of the crowns mesiodistally. Owing to irregulatiies in the bucaal surface of teeth, in the composite width beneath the bracket and to unadapted bracket bases, this rule might not hold true in all situations. Another rule, which appear to be valid in a larger percentage of cases is presented, in where it is suggested that brackets should be placed in a position where its slot will be parallel to the incisal edges and central grooves of teeth. Using an indirect bonding software, both situations can be compared, and in certain situations position of the brackets to achieve alignment will be surprisingly off center.
How to cite: Martins RP. Onde devo colar meu braquete no sentido mesiodistal? Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2017 Out-Nov;16(5):30-3. DOI:
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 09:47