Anderson Capistrano, Stenyo Tavares, Aldir Cordeiro, Leopoldino Capelozza Filho, Renata Almeida-Pedrin
Introduction: Patients’ desire for faster treatment, especially adult patients, has demanded that orthodontists come up with creative solutions, such as customized bracket selection, in order to fulfill patients’ expectations. Objective: By means of a clinical case report, the present article aims at presenting a new treatment approach for Class II malocclusion, carried out with a combination of different techniques: self-ligating brackets in the lower arch and conventional brackets in the upper arch. Case report: Young adult, female Pattern II patient with mandibular deficiency and acceptable face, presented with Class II sagittal relationship between maxilla and mandible, increased overbite, buccal tipping of mandibular incisors and uprighted maxillary incisors. Results: By the end of treatment, the patient achieved a Class I, corrected at the expense of a slight increase in maxillary incisors tipping and significant increase in mandibular incisors tipping. This is a compensatory characteristic inherent to the patient’s facial pattern and influenced by the sagittal relationship between the maxilla and the mandible. Treatment time (12 months) and decreased number of appointments (10) revealed a great cost-benefit relationship. Conclusion: The planned and implemented mixture of various brackets prescriptions (Capelozza, Roth and MBT), the use of superelastic arches in the initial phase of treatment, appropriate diagramming of the intermediate and final wires, in addition to the mixture of different techniques (conventional and self-ligating) employed to the protocol seems to achieve good productivity in the treatment of Class II.
Keywords: Orthodontics. Malocclusion, Angle Class II. Diagnosis. Orthodontic brackets.
How to cite: Capistrano A, Tavares S, Cordeiro A, Capelozza Filho L, Almeida-Pedrin R. Tratamento compensatório otimizado da má oclusão de Classe II: agregando experiências. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2017 Dez-2018 Jan;16(6):98-111. DOI:
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 09:48