
Infraocclusion of deciduous molars: defining conducts in mixed dentition

Daniela Gamba Garib, Olga Benário Vieira Maranhão, Arthur César de Medeiros Alves, Marcos Roberto de Freitas, Renata Carvalho Sathler

Infraocclusion is an alteration of clinical interest with considerable prevalence in the mixed dentition, and may present in association with other dental anomalies. Thus, the aim of this study is to describe a conduct protocol to guide the orthodontist and pediatric dentist in face of deciduous molars in infraocclusion. Two factors will be considered in the decision making: 1) Presence of the permanent successor; and 2) Degree of infraocclusion (mild, moderate or severe). The treatment of choice should be the most conservative possible in long term, avoiding overtreatment or conducts that may hinder a possible rehabilitation of the case in the future. It is then up to the orthodontist to recognize this anomaly and apply the most appropriate treatment protocol according to the needs of each patient, prioritizing a precise treatment, without over-treatment.

Keywords: Molar. Tooth ankylosis. Orthodontics, Interceptive.

How to cite: Garib DG, Maranhão OBV, Alves ACM, Freitas MR, Sathler RC. Infraoclusão de molares decíduos: definindo condutas na dentadura mista. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2018 Out-Nov;17(5):79-89. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14436/1676-6849.17.5.079-089.art

Tuesday, February 11, 2025 19:05