Fabíola Nogueira Holanda Ferreira, Juliana Oliveira Gondim, José Jeová Siebra Moreira Neto, Pedro César Fernandes dos Santos
Objective: The aim of this study was to review and discuss the methodologies used in low level laser therapy (LLLT) for the control of pain and orthodontic tooth movement. Methods: A search on the MEDLINE/LILACS database (1986-2016) with the following keywords was done twice, using the following keywords: first = low level laser therapy AND orthodontic AND movement; second = low level laser therapy AND Orthodontic AND pain. Articles from clinical trials in humans, written in English, who used the laser gallium aluminum arsenide (GaAlAs) evaluation of tooth movement and pain control were selected. Articles with insufficient data for the criteria analyzed in this study were excluded. Results: 113 articles were identified, of which twelve were selected. The speed of the dental movement was evaluated during retraction of the canine and lateral incisors. In most studies, the laser was applied soon after mechanical activation, on the third, seventh and fourteenth day. The pain was evaluated after installation of elastic separators, orthodontic bands, insertion of the first orthodontic wire and during dental retraction. Several dosimetries were used (0, 45J/cm2-8J/cm2). In most articles pain was assessed by visual analog scale. Conclusion: Different methodologies were used for LLLT in pain control and speed of tooth movement. Most authors reported an increase in the rate of tooth movement and reduce duration and intensity of pain in the patients receiving LLLT. However, more clinical trials are required to optimize treatment with the definition of ideal application protocols and dosimetries.
Keywords: Pain. Orthodontics. Tooth movement. Laser therapy, Low-level.
How to cite: Como citar: Ferreira FNH, Gondim JO, Moreira Neto JJS, Santos PCF. A terapia laser de baixa intensidade no controle da dor e na velocidade da movimentação ortodôntica: revisão sistemática. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2018 Dez-2019 Jan;17(6):103-15. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14436/1676-6849.17.6.103-115.art
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 03:55