Carolina Nazif Rasul, Fabrício Valarelli, Leonardo Graboski de Castro, Karina Maria Salvatore de Freitas, Rodrigo Hermont Cançado
Introduction: When patients lose their mandibular molars, it is common to observe the extrusion of the antagonist teeth and reduction of the interocclusal space required for prosthetic rehabilitation. In these cases, the use of mini-implant as absolute skeletal anchorage has provided benefits for both the patient and the orthodontist, resulting in a simple tooth movement. Methods: This report presents a case of a 33 year-old woman with extrusion of tooth #17 in the interoclusal space of lower molars, which were absent on the right side. The intrusion was performed using mini-implants as anchorage. Results: Tooth #17 presented a real intrusion of 1.5mm and, after brackets debonding, the prosthetic rehabilitation with implants in the mandibular right side was performed. Conclusion: It has been noticed that the use of mini-implant is effective for molar intrusion, being a valuable resource for treating extrusion of posterior teeth related to dental losses in the antagonist jaw, and recovering the interocclusal space required for the prosthetic dental rehabilitation on the patient.
Keywords: Bone screws. Tooth movement techniques. Orthodontic anchorage procedures.
How to cite: Rasul CN, Valarelli F, Castro LG, Freitas KMS, Cançado RH. A importância da intrusão do molar superior na reabilitação protética dos dentes inferiores. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2019 Abr-Maio;18(2):109-21. DOI:
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 19:37