
CAD/CAM "in-office" aligners: future or reality?

Ernesto Dutra Rodrigues

The search for more esthetic orthodontic treatments has increased the demand for transparent aligners. Although this treatment modality produced by the digital method has been available for more than a decade, only recently the evolution of 3D technology has allowed orthodontists to produce CAD-CAM aligners within their own offices, which has advantages and disadvantages. Thus, the objective of the present paper is to present and discuss the production steps of the aligners, including the methods for digital model acquisition, virtual setup, 3D printing and thermoforming

Keywords: Digital orthodontics. Orthodontic aligners. Virtual setup.

How to cite: Rodrigues ED. Alinhadores CAD/CAM in-office: futuro ou realidade? Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2019 Jun-Jul;18(3):38-53. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14436/1676-6849.18.3.038-053.epa

Friday, January 17, 2025 14:08