Alexandre Magno Dos Santos, Ana Beatriz Maia Esper, Andréa Damasceno Rocha, Carolina De Cássia Carvalho Lima, Maria Eni Batista e Isabella Simões Holz.
There is a consensus in the literature about the importance of orthodontic intervention in cases of maxillary atresia, since this condition is not self-corrected. The therapy usually involves the use of expanders to increase the transverse dimensions of the maxillary arch and, consequently, its perimeter. However, bone maturity with advancing age represents a limitation to the success of rapid maxillary expansion without surgical intervention. The present article aims to describe, by means of a clinical case, the protocol of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) in adults using miniscrew- assisted rapid palatal expander (MARPE), associated with perforation in the medial palatine suture region, in a 26-years-old female patient, with bilateral posterior crossbite and atresic maxilla.
Keywords: Adult. Maxilla. Palatal expansion technique. Bone screws.
How to cite: Santos AM, Esper ABM, Rocha AD, Lima CCC, Batista ME, Holz IS. Expansão rápida da maxila assistida com mini-implantes (MARPE) em adultos. Parte I – aspectos gerais. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2019 Out-Nov;18(5):110-7.
Friday, December 27, 2024 07:14