
How to manufacture a miniscrew-anchored sliding jig for simultaneous distalization of two teeth

Renata De Faria Santos, Luciana Duarte Caldas, Eduardo Franzotti Sant’anna e Gladys Cristina Dominguez.

Skeletal anchorage has widened the possibilities of orthodontic distalizations independent of patient’s compliance, and is frequently applied in clinical practice in order to prevent unwanted side effects. The purpose of this article is to show, step by step, how to manufacture a different design of a miniscrew-anchored sliding jig for simultaneous distalization of more than one tooth at a time.

Keywords: Tooth movement technique. Orthodontic anchorage procedures. Malocclusion. Angle Class III.

How to cite: Santos RF, Caldas LD, Sant’Anna EF, Dominguez GC. Como confeccionar um sliding jig apoiado em mini-implante para distalização simultânea de dois dentes. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2019 Out-Nov;18(5):82-4.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025 18:29