
Unexpected effects of modified 3x3 retainers in the development of buccal displacement and gingival recession on mandibular incisors

Giovana Romano De Oliveira, Debora Reis Dias, Adilson Luiz Ramos, Roberto Masayuki Hayaciba,

Introduction: The need for retainer placement after orthodontic treatment is well established in the literature. But fixed retainers are subject to failure, which is more likely in the modified retainer, since its longer length. However, there is no study in the literature that relates such unexpected events to the modified retainer with periodontal impairment. Therefore, the aim of the present article is to describe unwanted events involving buccal displacement of the root and gingival recession due to the modified 3 x 3 retainer. Methods: This case series was based on a retrospective analysis of medical records with lower modified 3 x 3 retainer associated with buccal displacement of the root and gingival recession in at least one incisor, which resulted in 21 selected individuals. For the study, relevant data were collected regarding the history of retention, possible etiology of unwanted activation and clinical data, such as the recession length. Results: Among the 21 individuals, 25 teeth presented recessions with a mean length of 4.86 ± 1.36 mm, with a higher occurrence in the lower central incisors (84%). The activation of the retainer was caused by different factors, the main ones involving the inadequate position when replacing the retainer or the premature detachment of the resin due to parafunction. Conclusion: Because of the multifactorial etiology of unexpected activation of the retainer, it is important to be regularly monitored. Within the limitations of this study, buccal displacement of the root and gingival recession appear to be intercurrences related to the modified 3 x 3 retainer.

Keywords: Orthodontic retainers. Tooth root. Gingival recession.

How to cite: Oliveira GR, Dias DR, Ramos AL, Hayacibara RM. Efeitos inesperados dos contensores 3x3 modificados no desencadeamento da vestibularização e recessão gengival nos incisivos inferiores. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2019 Dez-2020 Jan;18(6):102-13.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025 17:57