Luciana Duarte CALDAS, Renata de Faria SANTOS, Gladys Cristina DOMINGUEZ e Eduardo Franzotti SANT’ANNA
INTRODUCTION: Maxillary transverse deficiency and posterior crossbite are highly prevalent malocclusions in deciduous and mixed dentitions. Moreover, if not treated at an early age, these can cause damageto the craniofacial growth and development of the child. METHODS: There is a wide range of etiological factors within these malocclusions, with non-nutritive sucking habits being the most frequently reported. It is common for patients with these habits to develop maxillary atresia in the shape of an inverted “V”, considering that the muscular action caused by the habit exerts greater pressure on the canine region, thereby causing greater constriction in this area when compared to the molars region. RESULTS: The correction of this pattern of atresia normally requires expansions in different quantities, a situation which is traditionally corrected at distinct moments through the installation of two types of expander screws. CONCLUSION: Therefore, the present paper seeks to illustrate and describe a slight optimization in the fan-type expander screw aimed at obtaining differential quantities of activations in the anterior and posterior regions, thus not requiring the separate installation of two different expanders.
Keywords: Palatal expansion technique. Malocclusion. Dentition, mixed.
How to cite: Caldas LD, SantosRF, Dominguez GC, Sant’Anna EF. Otimização do parafuso expansor para se obter diferentes quantidades de expansão nas regiões anterior e posterior. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2020 Fev-Mar;19(1):52-5.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 03:50