Larissa Barbosa MODA, Diego Junior da Silva SANTOS, José Augusto Mendes MIGUEL3
Introduction: Fixed orthodontic retainers are effective in maintaining the treatment results as they do not require patient cooperation for their use. However, these retainers tend to predispose to plaque and calculus accumulation, and sometimes are related to unexpected post-treatment changes in the labiolingual inclination or position of mandibular anterior teeth. Based on this, the hygienic orthodontic retainers are designed for interproximal plaque control. However, inadvertent tooth movement with these devices are still a challenge in orthodontics. Objective: The aim of this article is to illustrate two case reports that resulted in unintentional tooth movement during post-treatment phase and discuss the most common causes of these movements, emphasizing the importance of regular checkups for a long-term stability. Results: The two clinical cases presented demonstrate that inadvertent movement is unpredictable, and may or may not be associated to factors that may lead to the opening of small spaces or changes in root torque, resulting in gingival recessions. Conclusion: Hygienic orthodontic retainers pose a risk of unwanted tooth movement due to the amount of bends incorporated that can have a spring action. Patients must be motivated as to the importance of attendance to control appointments, enabling the orthodontist to perform repairs or replace- ment of the damaged retention before major problems, such as gingival recession and bone fenestration, occur.
Keywords: Orthodontic retainers. Gingival recession. Recurrence.
How to cite: Moda LB, Santos DJS, Miguel JAM. Movimentos dentários indesejados provocados por contenção ortodôntica fixa higiênica. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2020 Fev-Mar;19(1):79-90.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 19:53