Alexandre Magno DOSSANTOS, Andrea Damasceno ROCHA, Fernanda Tavares BORGES, Isabella Simões HOLZ, Renata Rodrigues ALMEIDA PEDRIN
Introduction: The stability of orthodontic treatment may be one of the most difficult goals to be achieved, especially in patients with Short Face Pattern and increased overbite. Objective: The aim of the present study is to present the case report of an adult patient with Short Face pattern and Class II sagittal relationship, submitted to orthodontic treatment associated to mandibular advancement. After the active treatment period, an unconventional retainer appliance was proposed. Results: At the end of treatment, the Class II correction was observed, as well as the improvement of the dental bimaxillary retrusion. ABPR was used as the retainer protocol and the maintenance of the results was observed in the post-treatment period. Conclusion: ABPR can be used to promote muscle balance and maintain the new vertical dimension achieved with the orthodontic treatment. Thus, ABPR seems to be a viable option for orthodontic retention, especially in patients with horizontal growth pattern and Short Face.
Keywords: Angle Class II malocclusion. Orthodontic appli- ances, functional. Mandibular advancement. Overbite. Orthodontic retainers.
How to cite: Dos-Santos AM, Rocha AD, Borges FT, Holz IS, Almeida-Pedrin RR. Placa de contenção com batente anterior (PCBA): uma abordagem para contenção em pacientes do Padrão Face Curta. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2020 Abr-Maio;19(2):100-11.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 19:10