
Closing edentulous spaces in the mandibular posterior region

Wislei de OLIVEIRA, Hristina Ivanova ARNAUSTSKA

Introduction: The presence of young adult and adult patients with missing teeth in the posterior region of the mandible in orthodontics clinics is not unusual. Treatment options for missing teeth require reestablishment of the space for posterior restorative treatment, or closing the space, which could be done with reciprocal movement of the anterior and posterior segments or by protracting mandibular molars. The latter alternative requires anchorage reinforcement and distinguished mechanics. Objective: This article presents, by mean of two clinical cases, some biomechanics aspects of the force system indicated for closing space in the mandible with molar protraction assisted by miniscrews. Results: The spaces were fully closed, showing good root parallelism and minimal root resorption. Conclusion: Closing edentulous space in the mandible is a feasible solution, though it requires a more comprehensive biomechanics and extended treatment time.

Keywords: Orthodontic space closure. Orthodontics, correc- tive. Orthodontics.

How to cite: Oliveira W, Arnaustska HI. Fechamento de espaços edêntulos na região posterior da arcada inferior. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2020 Abr-Maio;19(2):123-40.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 15:51