
Open-bite treatment by intrusion of posterior teeth with miniplate anchorage: case report

Camila de Sousa DARDENGO, Raphael Castiglioni COSER

Introduction: The present case report is about a patient with symmetric face, straight profile and Class I malocclusion, with anterior and posterior open bite. Cephalometric measurements revealed that the patient had skeletal Class I (ANB = 20) and eminent Class III pattern, justified by the Wits measurement = -5mm. The patient complained of the smile esthetics and the difficulty of chewing food, due to the absence of contact of the teeth, but he did not want to undergo orthognathic surgery. Description: It was proposed the installation of miniplates in the infrazygomatic crest region for upper posterior teeth intrusion and bite closure. As the mandible rotated, Class III became more evident, making necessary to use Class III elastic mechanics to obtain an adequate occlusal relationship. Results: The results obtained were the bite closure, the maintenance of Class I molar relationship, with incisor and canine guidance, and the maintenance of facial aesthetics. Conclusion: Skeletal anchorage made it possible to treat cases of moderate complexity of open bite, which were formerly treated with orthognathic surgery.

Keywords: Malocclusion. Dental intrusion. Open bite.

How to cite: Dardengo CS, Coser RC. Tratamento de mordida aberta com intrusão de dentes posteriores com miniplacas: relato de caso. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2020 Abr-Maio;19(2):141-9.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025 18:49