
Author’s reply

Giovana Romano de OLIVEIRA, Debora Reis DIAS, Adilson Luiz RAMOS, Roberto Masayuki HAYACIBARA

First of all, we would like to thank the distinguished professionals Dr. Jaime Sampaio Bicalho, Dr. Karla Tonelli Bicalho Crosara, Dr. Rafael de Faria Bicalho and Dr. Silvano Barbosa de Oliveira for the critical evaluation of our article “Unexpected effects of modified 3x3 retainers related to gingival recession and tipping of the lower incisors”, published in the Revista Clínica de Ortodontia Dental Press (RCODP), volume 18, number 6. We especially recognize the importance of the contribution from Jaime Bicalho and Karla Bicalho, when they published, in 2001, the modified 3x3 lower retainer and insert it into the dental community. From then on, we were motivated by research in this area, particularly about its periodontal aspects.1,2 We would also like to congratulate the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Marcio Rodrigues de Almeida, who initiates this section, enabling democratic debates on the clinical and scientific points of view of the orthodontic community.

How to cite: Oliveira GR, Dias DR, Ramos AL, Hayacibara RM. Autor responde. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2020 Jun-Jul;19(3):12-5.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025 19:51