Fábio Lourenço ROMANO, Murilo Fernando Neuppmann FERES, Mírian Aiko Nakane MATSUMOTO
Prevalence of Class III skeletal malocclusion in Brazil is between 2 and 5%. It is a condition identified by parents or family, who seek care at an early age. Class III treatment when per- formed by maxillary protraction has been shown to be very efficient, especially in patients with deficiency of the maxilla. The objective of this study was to present a case report of a female patient with Class III skeletal malocclusion who started her treatment at 6 years of age, was followed-up throughout the growth period, and the correction was finalized at 17 years of age. Initially, the patient was submitted to the rapid maxillary expansion (RME), maxillary protraction with facemask and a appliance to intercept the thumb-sucking habit. After interceptive treatment, the patient was followed-up until the end of growth. At 16 years of age, a corrective orthodontic treatment was performed in order to camouflage Class III skeletal malocclusion and reach the occlusal objectives. After 1 year of corrective orthodontic treatment, the patient presented molars and canines in Class I, adequate overjet and overbite, and good occlusion relationship, in addition to satisfactory facial aesthetics.
Keywords: Angle Class III malocclusion. Interceptive orthodontics. Corrective orthodontics.
How to cite: Romano FL, Feres MFN, Matsumoto MAN. Tratamento da má oclusão esquelética de Classe III: da infância até o fim da adolescência. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2020 Jun-Jul;19(3):134-48.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 19:52