
Preadjusted bracket positioning on canines substituting absent maxillary lateral incisors

Giordani Santos SILVEIRA, Amanda Rafaela DINIZ Dauro, Douglas OLIVEIRA

The substitution of congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisors with mesial movement of the canines impose some clinical challenges to orthodontist. This article highlights a clinical tip of the bracket placement in canines to facilitate achieving more natural-look- ing maxillary dentoalveolar anterior region.

Keywords: Anodontia. Orthodontic space closure. Dental esthetics.

How to cite: Silveira GS, Diniz AR, Oliveira DD. Posicionamento de braquete pré-ajustado em caninos que substituem incisivos laterais superiores ausentes. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2020 Jun-Jul;19(3):70-3.

Thursday, September 19, 2024 01:48