
Supernumerary tooth — from diagnosis to treatment: case report

Michelle Coelho Ferreira LOTITO, Ana Clara Vega Martinez Veras FERREIRA, Monica Tirre de Souza ARAÚJO

Introduction: Supernumerary teeth, or hyperdontia, are number-related developmental changes, and their pathogenesis is determined during the initiation and morphogenetic phases of odontogenesis. When located in the region of upper incisors they are called mesiodens. The main complications caused by them are dental malocclusions, the development of cysts or cystic edema, dental resorption, periodontal problems and social embarrassment due to aesthetic loss. Diagnosis is made through clinical examination and imaging, the latter being essential for early diagnosis. Description: A 10-year- old patient complaining of the aesthetics of the smile and “delayed appearance of the front tooth”, which caused embarrassment to the patient and concern to the parents. After radiographic examination, the supernumerary diagnosis was made, with retention of the tooth #21. Thus, the treatment began with orthodontic fixed appliance in the upper arch, to open space and thus facilitate the surgical access to the supernumerary. After its removal, orthodontic treatment was performed, with tooth #21 traction and readjustment of patient’s function and aesthetic. Result: The supernumerary tooth altered the dental arch and the patient’s smile. The case was finished in Class I ,with the use of upper removable wraparound plate and lower intercanine fixed bar as retention. Conclusion: Early intervention made it possible to remove the supernumerary before malocclusion became more severe and thus the complexity and cost of treatment decreased.

Keywords: Supernumerary tooth. Dental abnormalities. Oral pathology. Orthodontics.

How to cite: Lotito MCF, Ferreira ACVMV, Araújo MTS. Dente supranumerário — do diagnóstico ao tratamento: relato de caso. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2020 Jun-Jul;19(3):74-83.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 04:37