
Letter to the editor

Jaime Sampaio BICALHO, Karla Tonelli Bicalho CROSARA, Rafael de Faria BICALHO, Silvano Barbosa de OLIVEIRA

First, we would like to thank Revista Clinica de Ortodontia Dental Press, and its Chief Editor, Marcio Rodrigues de Almeida, for the opportunity to present our critical evaluation of the methodology adopted in a paper published by the referred journal in its 18th volume, number 6. We would also like to discuss the conclusions reported in the mentioned paper, which is titled Unexpected effects of modified 3x3 retainers related to gingival recession and tipping of the lower incisors.

How to cite: Bicalho JS, Crosara KTB, Bicalho RF, Oliveira SB. Carta ao Editor. Rev Clín Ortod Dental Press. 2020 Jun-Jul;19(3):8-11.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 04:37