
Why is it called the “Ugly Duckling” phase and does it self-resolve?

Alberto Consolaro

Objective: To conceptualize and explain the “ugly duckling” phase, and explain why dental resorp- tions do not happen on the teeth involved. Results: A comparison of the old ways of explaining the correction and self-correction of this phase was made with the current foundations. The maxillary canines do not “push”, by direct contact, the maxillary lateral incisors in the “ugly duckling” phase. They participate significantly in the generation of growth vectors in the pre- maxillary bone region, increasing their volume forward and to the side. Thus, the maxillary anterior teeth are repositioned and harmonized bilaterally, regarding aesthetics and function. Conclusion: Anthropologically, the evolution from the ugly duckling to the beautiful swan is natural and tends to self-resolve in most people. When this does not happen, the professional’s interference is necessary so that, in a preventive or corrective way, aesthetic and functional normality is established, stimulating the anterior maxillary bone growth.

Keywords: Growth vector. Canine. Eruption. Dental resorption.

How to cite: Consolaro A. Why is it called the “Ugly Duckling” phase and does it self-resolve? Clin Orthod. 2021 Feb-Mar;20(1):116-22.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025 18:09