Giordani Santos SILVEIRA, Ana Luiza Cabral de Ávila ANDRADE, Amanda Rafaela DINIZ, Paulo Isaías SERAIDARIAN, Dauro Douglas OLIVEIRA
Objective: The aim of this article is to illustrate the applicability of the Mini-Hyrax expander for rapid palatal expansion (RPE) and surgically-assisted rapid palatal expansion (SARPE). Appliance description: The major differences between the expander screw used in the Mini-Hyrax expander and the one of the Hyrax expander are the antero-posterior structure dimension and the number of arms. The Mini-Hyrax has a smaller anteroposterior structure (5mm) and two arms; while the Hyrax has 11 mm and four arms. Conclusion: The Mini-Hyrax can to be an alternative to the Hyrax and Haas-type expanders in RPE and SARPE with potential advantages of less discomfort and easier hygiene, due to its reduced size.
Keywords: Palatal expansion technique. Crossbite. Primary dentition. Permanent dentition.
How to cite: Silveira GS, Andrade ALCA, Diniz AR, Seraidarian PI, Oliveira DD. Mini-Hyrax expander: a versatile alternative for rapid maxillary expansion. Clin Orthod. 2021 Feb-Mar;20(1):60-5.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 07:30