Marcelo de Morais CURADO, Daniele Cristina de SOUZA, Maurício Augusto Chaves GUIMARÃES, Marcelo Souza GOMES, Bruno Lima MINERVINO
Introduction: The search for an esthetically pleasant smile is frequent in dental offices, since it is fundamental to the perception about the influence of the face and is also related with different psychological characteristics of the individual. With the increased demand for better results in orthodontic treatment, it is relevant to diagnose, plan and rehabilitate an esthetically impaired smile. Objectives: This case report describes the orthodontic diagnosis and planning, in a simple and didactic way, aiming at the esthetic rehabilitation of the smile. Conclusion: The presented approach demonstrated to be effective, since the impaired smile was rehabilitated only by means of orthodontic treatment, making it beautiful and youthful.
Keywords: Esthetics, dental. Esthetics. Orthodontic appliances.
How to cite: Curado MM, Souza DC, Guimarães MAC, Gomes MS, Minervino BL. Esthetic rehabilitation of smile: Diagnosis and biomechanical planning in search of a young and beautiful smile. Clin Orthod. 2021 Aug-Sept;20(4):143-56.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 19:34