
Treatment of skeletal Class III malocclusion with intermaxilary elastics

Wendes Dias MENDES, Maria Laura da Silva PINHEIRO, Ângela BÖRGHI, Marcelo Antônio MESTRINER, Fábio ROMANO

Objective: The aim of this study is to report the treatment of a skeletal Class III malocclusion, highlighting the importance of mastering the core of biomechanics in such a way as not to be exclusively dependent on skeletal anchorage, but making use of traditional orthodontic techniques successfully. Methods: The patient presented with a concave profile, negative overjet, functional anterior shift of the mandible, reverse smile and upper anterior crowding with lower lip protraction. The cephalometric value of ANB angle (-3°) and Wits appraisal of -4mm proved the skeletal Class III malocclusion. Treatment options included: orthodontic-surgical treatment, orthodontic camouflage with extractions of premolars or orthodontic camouflage without extractions. As there was no facial aesthetics complaint, the third option was chosen. Edgewise brackets were used with crown buccal torque on the upper incisors and resistant torque on the lower incisors. The asymmetric Class III intermaxillary elastics were used to correct molar relationship, to potentialize dental tipping with a buccal inclination of the upper incisors, uprighting the lower molars and to promote mandibular clockwise rotation. Results: Correct occlusion, facial aesthetics, and a pleasing smile were achieved. Conclusions: Correction of Class III malocclusion with conventional mechanics is feasible if taken into consideration the patient ́s growth pattern, facial aspect, control of biomechanics, and the patients commitment with to treatment.

Keywords: Malocclusion, Angle Class III. Prog- nathism. Facial asymmetry.

How to cite: Mendes WD, Pinheiro MLS, Börghi A, Mestriner MA, Romano F. Treatment of skeletal Class III malocclusion with intermaxilary elastics. Clin Orthod. 2022 Fev-Mar;21(1):114-25.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 09:45