

Origin of torus palatinus and torus mandibularis: basis for clinical interpretation

Alberto CONSOLARO. Renata Bianco CONSOLARO

Torus palatinus and torus mandibularis are developmental anomalies of shape that become late manifest during growth and maturation of the jaws. Family history and the constant presence of tori with age and among edentulous patients attach a genetic origin to them and hinder their clinical interpretation as an adaptive response to occlusal overload, grinding and other external factors: tori are not a form of hyperplasia or adaptive hypertrophy. They are bone protuberances without a fibrous capsule, which differentiates them from osteomata and frees them from a neoplastic nature, albeit benign, especially because they do not grow continuously and uncontrollably in one’s organism. The size of tori stabilizes by the end of maxillary growth, at around the age of 22 to 24 years. They are composed of normal bone, from a functional and structural perspective, and might be used as autograft harvesting site or osseointegrated implant placement site within clinically acceptable conditions.

Keywords: Tori. Torus palatinus. Torus mandibularis. Anomalies.

How to cite: Consolaro A, Consolaro RB. Origin of torus palatinus and torus mandibularis: basis for clinical interpretation. Dental Press Implantol. 2015 Apr-Jun;9(2):39-54. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14436/2237-650X.9.2.039-054.oar

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 07:55