Clovis Monteiro Bramante, Ramiro Marcelo Ortiz Oropeza, Gerson Francisco de Assis, Roberto Brandão Garcia, Marco Antônio Húngaro Duarte, Alexandre Silva Bramante, Norberti Bernardineli, Ivaldo Gomes de Moraes
Objective: To evaluate the biocompatibility of Grey Portland Cement Clinker without and with 2% and 5% calcium sulfate. Methods: Twenty-four mice received subcutaneously polyethylene tubes filled with grey Portland Cement Clinker without or with 2% or 5% calcium sulfate. After 15, 30 and 60 days of implantation, the animals were killed and specimens were prepared for microscopic analysis. Setting times of each material were also evaluated according to the ASTM specification # C266-08. ANOVA and Tukey’s test for setting time and Kruskal Wallis and Dum test for biocompatility at 5% significance level were used. Results: Histologic observation showed no statistical difference among the materials in the subcutaneous tissues. Conclusion: Clinker without calcium sulfate showed 5 min for initial setting time and 55 min for final setting time, followed by clinker with 2% sulfate calcium (8/95 min) and clinker with 5% sulfate calcium (10/110 min).
Keywords: Mineral Trioxide Aggregate. Clinker. Portland cement.
How to cite: Bramante CM, Oropeza RMO, de Assis GF, Garcia RB, Duarte MAH, Bramante AS, Bernardineli N, de Moraes IG. Biocompatibility and set- ting time of gray clinker of Portland cement with or without calcium sulfate. Dental Press Endod. 2012 July-Sept;2(3):21-6.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 05:55