Karine Takahashi, Paulo Maltempi Filho, Robson Frederico Cunha, Eloi Dezan Junior
In order to evaluate late biological response of two types of filling material of deciduous teeth, calcium hydroxide and Guedes-Pinto pastes, the implantation technique in rat sockets was employed. For morphological analysis, carried out after 7 and 28 days, 48 rats had their maxillary right central incisor removed, and a polyethylene tube implant containing one of the pastes was placed into the socket. On the 7th day, calcium hydroxide paste caused greater edema than Guedes-Pinto paste, and both types of material showed connective tissue with fibroblasts and blood vessels, with macrophages and lymphocytes. On the 28th day, calcium hydroxide paste had connective tissue with a large amount of macrophages and lymphocytes near the material, whereas in further areas, it had neofomed trabeculae. For the Guedes-Pinto paste, there were neoformed bone trabeculae nearby. The latter were found in larger amounts in areas further from the material surface. Guedes-Pinto paste caused less edema and provided less interference in the repair process.
Keywords: Deciduous tooth. Calcium hydroxide. Root canal therapy. Root canal filling material.
How to cite: Takahashi K, Maltempi Filho P, Cunha RF, Dezan Junior E. Evaluation of rat tissue response to Guedes-Pinto and calcium hydroxide pastes by means of morphological analysis of rat’s socket implant. Dental Press Endod. 2015 May-Aug;5(2):26-32. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14436/2358-2545.5.2.026-032.oar
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 05:55