

Ex-vivo evaluation of the durability of thermally treated NiTi endodontic files

Christiane Kelly Azevedo SIMÕES, Bernardo Almeida AGUIAR, Luciana Maria Arcanjo FROTA, Flavia Darius VIVACQUA, George Táccio de Miranda CANDEIRO, Bruno Carvalho de VASCONCELOS, Nilton VIVACQUA-GOMES

Objective: The present study compared three systems of thermally treated NiTi endodontic files regarding their achieved number of prepared root canals before fracture. Methods: Two hundred and ten slightly and moderately curved upper and lower molars with actual length ranging from 19 to 21 mm and apex foramens diameters up to 200 µm were used. The sample was allotted to three groups according to the instrumentation system in use: Reciproc (REC; R25), ProDesign Duo Hybrid (PDH; #25/.01 and #25/.08), and TF Adaptive (TFA; #25/.08). Five instruments/kits of each system were used. Then, it was registered the number of root canals prepared until the instrument fractured and the number of reinsertions needed until the working length was achieved. Results: The statistical analysis showed significant differences among the durability of the three systems, being the instruments of group PDH the ones that yielded higher reuses (29.2) followed by groups REC (21.6), and TFA (15.4) (P < .05). Regarding the number of insertions, the TFA system was the one that needed the lowest number of reinsertions (P < .05). Conclusion: Under this study conditions, ProDesign Duo Hybrid was the most durable system, whereas TF Adaptive system was the one that most easily achieved the working length.

Keywords: Endodontics. Fractures Stress. Dental Instruments

How to cite: Simões CKA, Aguiar BA, Frota LMA, Vivacqua FD, Candeiro GTM, Vasconcelos BC, Vivacqua-Gomes N. Ex-vivo evaluation of the durability of thermally treated NiTi endodontic files. Dental Press Endod. 2020 May-Aug;10(2):29-33.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 05:52