Luiz Gonzaga GANDINI JÚNIOR, Ricardo Sampaio de SOUZA, Joel Claúdio da Rosa MARTINS, Tatsuko SAKIMA, Márcia Regina El. Ap. S. GANDINI
Since 1980 more attention has been given to cross infection control in dental office. Among dental specialties orthodontics is the second in contamination of hepatitis B virus for being a relapsing specialty in cross infection control. In order to change this reality it is necessary to adopt those basic procedures of sterilization and disinfection in orthodontic offices to avoid contamination from orthodontic staff from patients, patients contamination by the orthodontic staff and contamination of one patients to another. Of all offices diseases, hepatitis B and AIDS are certainly the most important for their consequences. This first part will discuss hepatitis B, the principal methods of disinfection and the importance of personal aparatology use by orthodonthists with emphasis on gloves. The second part will discuss the main methods of sterilization and corrosion control of the instrument and pliers.
Keywords: Disinfection. Hepatits B. Infection Control.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 11:59