Saulo Gabriel Moreira FALCI, Leandro Silva MARQUES
Matheus Melo PITHON
Antônio Carlos de Oliveira RUELLAS, David NORMANDO, Carlos FLORES-MIR, Dauro Douglas OLIVEIRA
Marcos Augusto LENZA, Adilson Alves de CARVALHO, Eduardo Beaton LENZA, Mauricio Guilherme LENZA, Hianne Miranda de TORRES, João Batista de SOUZA
Keywords: Orthodontics. Growth. Radiology.
Rachel D’Aurea FURQUIM, Renata Correa PASCOTTO, José RINO NETO, Jefferson Rosa CARDOSO, Adilson Luiz RAMOS
Keywords: Orthodontics. Laser therapy. Pain perception.
Edna Namiko IZUKA, Murilo Fernando Neuppmann FERES, Shirley Shizue Nagata PIGNATARI
Keywords: Mouth breathing. Palatal expansion technique. Cone-beam computed tomography. Quality of life questionnaire.
Marcio Rodrigues de ALMEIDA, Cristina FUTAGAMI, Ana Cláudia de Castro Ferreira CONTI, Paula Vanessa Pedron OLTRAMARI-NAVARRO, Ricardo de Lima NAVARRO
Keywords: Orthodontic appliances. Corrective orthodontics. Orthodontic brackets.
Danilo Furquim SIQUEIRA, Mauricio de Almeida CARDOSO, Leopoldino CAPELOZZA FILHO, Dov Charles GOLDENBERG, Mariana dos Santos FERNANDES
Keywords: Orthodontics. Periodontics. Palatal expansion technique. Dental casts.
Bruno Aldo MAUAD, Robson Costa SILVA, Mônica Lídia Santos de Castro ARAGÓN, Luana Farias PONTES, Newton Guerreiro da SILVA JÚNIOR, David NORMANDO
Keywords: Malocclusion. Dental arch. Mandible. Maxillofacial development. Dental crowding.
Mariana Roennau Lemos RINALDI, Susana Maria Deon RIZZATTO, Luciane Macedo de MENEZES, Waldemar Daudt POLIDO, Eduardo Martinelli Santayanna de LIMA
Keywords: Orthodontic anchorage procedures. Dental implants. Angle Class III malocclusion. Tooth loss.
Maria Christina Thomé PACHECO, Bruna Santos FIOROTT, Nathalia Silveira FINCK, Maria Teresa Martins de ARAÚJO
Keywords: Malocclusion. Mouth breathing. Quality of life.
Marina Detoni Vieira de OLIVEIRA, Bruno Lopes da SILVEIRA, Cláudia Trindade MATTOS, Mariana MARQUEZAN
Keywords: Orthodontics. Face. Esthetics.
Matheus Melo PITHON, Caio Souza FERRAZ, Francine Cristina Silva ROSA, Luciano Pereira ROSA
Keywords: Orthodontics. Disinfection. Elastomers.
Gislana Braga MACHADO
Keywords: Angle Class I malocclusion. Tooth extraction. Incisor.
Lincoln Issamu NOJIMA, Adriele Silveira ARAÚJO, Matheus ALVES JÚNIOR
Keywords: Dental bonding. Orthodontic brackets. Orthodontic devices. Corrective Orthodontics.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 18:03